Grab these fan favourities

The more I write, the more interested I become in observing human emotions; their response to conflicts, challenges, and failures.

I often notice this – when impatience takes over, Uncertainty follows and darkens the mind. Then, Reality steps in and tends to be harsh and unapologetic. Dreams hang somewhere in the middle, eager to see the light. Amidst this is the Life we lead.

Two sisters run for their lives when they come face-to-face with a tiger.

We have no idea when love makes a grand entry in our lives.

Someone’s plight and agony have no impact on him. Here is a man who was safe as long as he was a kidnapper. 

Sometimes there is nothing left to say. A coming of age story where friendship blossoms to love.

I close my eyes and think back, and I realise that it is a beautiful cluster of memories, sprinkled with dreams, branched out as stories. They are like pebbles, which, when I scatter, will either amuse or astonish you. I’m sure in some way or the other you can relate to my unsung heroes.

A long train journey that eventually turns out to be life-changing.

Set in the Mughal period, this story takes you back in time. A ravishing love story where two eloquent hearts bring an altogether different perspective to relationships.

Our woman embarks on a musical career in her mid-age! A hilarious take on pursuing hobbies later in life.

There is a supernatural power that guides us and lights our day. It can be just anywhere! Even inside a 9-year-old.